
Works with iPad Works with Chromebook

Make anything talk -- pets, friends, doodles, and more. Simply take any photo, draw a line to make a mouth, and record your voice. Then share your Pix with friends and family as silly greetings, playful messages, creative cards, or even fancy book reports.

Tutorial Video

Watch the tutorial video to learn how to use the app.

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Create a video using a fictional or non-fictional character to describe an event in history.

  1. Choose a picture from your device that you want to bring to life
  2. Press the record button and talk for 30 seconds
  3. Add at least one sticker, a frame, and text
  4. Save the video to your device

Don't worry about making a perfect video for now. Just have fun and learn how to use the app. Feel free to look at the ChatterPix examples for inspiration:


Device with Chatterpix app

Quiet space for recording your voice



Click on the share icon to share your completed project.


Examples may be added to the examples page.