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Device iPad, Chromebook
Grade Level 3-12
Experience Level Beginner
Project Type Video
Materials None


  • Easy to use with ANY topic, subject, or content area
  • Record and save several videos


  • Recording is limited to 30 seconds

What is ChatterPix?

Chatterpix is an app that allows you to give your photos a voice. Chatterpix can make anything talk -- pets, friends, doodles, and more! Just three simple steps and you will have your photos chattering away!

How do you use the app?

Chatterpix is given a beginner rating because of its ease of use and videos can be produced quickly. The main screen has two options: Take Photo (where you create the talking pictures) and Gallery (where work is stored). Take a photo or choose one from your device to get started. A prompt asks you to draw a line on the photo for the mouth and record for at most 30-seconds. You will see a countdown timer as your voice is recorded. Once you are finished can choose to re-record or preview. On the next screen, you can then customize photos with filters, stickers, and text.

How do students share their work?

Completed projects can be saved as a video file to the device or saved in the app where they will be visible in the gallery to view or edit.

Tutorial and Project Ideas

Creation Stations Project Ideas